アルノー・モルテが自らの名義でリリースするラインアップ!「アルノー・モルテ」は自らの名義でリリースするラインアップで、2016年より借地契約により加わった4haの畑のブドウから造られる。ラベルもドニ・モルテの物と同じデザインで、もちろん“ドメーヌ物”である事も含め、名のテキストが違うだけ。アルノーによるケアを受け、この新しい区画もいよいよ本領を発揮する。「シャルム・シャンベルタン グラン・クリュ」は、シャルム・シャンベルタンのクリマは粘土質の土壌に覆われた石灰質の露頭に位置し、砕けやすい石灰岩が豊かに含まれている。泥灰土と鉄も含み、赤土である。シャルムの畑から生まれるワインは若いうちは生き生きとした美しい赤紫のニュアンス。厚い果肉の丸みと余韻の長さ、グラン・クリュにふさわしい繊細さが素晴らしい。エレガントなワインだが、どちらかというと“マスキュラン”なタイプと言える。テクニカル情報醸造・栽培、除梗の割合:50%、使用酵母:自生酵母、熟成期間:17ヵ月、所有面積:20a、土壌:粘土質、ぶどう品種(セパージュ):Pinot Noir 100%、ぶどうの仕立て:ギュイヨ・サンプル、平均樹齢:40年、平均年間生産量(本数):800本、収穫方法:手摘みARNAUD MORTET Charmes Chambertin Grand Cruアルノー・モルテ シャルム・シャンベルタン グラン・クリュ生産地:フランス ブルゴーニュ コート・ド・ニュイ ジュヴレ・シャンベルタン原産地呼称:AOC. CHARMES CHAMBERTINぶどう品種:ピノ・ノワール 100%味わい:赤ワイン 辛口 ミディアムボディジャスパー・モリスMW:94-98 ポイント Tasting Date : November 2019 Tasting Location : Burgundy Tasted By : Jasper Morris MW Situated at the northern end (away from Mazoyeres) on light soil with lots of stones. To compare with the Mazoy?res: a similar fresh full purple. Tense dense deep fruit, the riper of the two, yes also with a little more tension despite the riper fruit. Beautiful finish. The approach is very different and I get the impression that Arnaud prefers this wine. If it does get the nod it is on the quality of the finish, but I love them both.vinous:(95-97) ポイント(95-97) Drinking Window 2024 - 2045 From: 2018 Burgundy: Confounded Expectations (Jan 2020) The 2018 Charmes-Chambertin Grand Cru includes 25% whole-bunch fruit. It has a lovely blackberry and briar scented bouquet, the millerandage lending real intensity and the 70% new oak seamlessly integrated. The palate is wonderfully defined with a fine line of acidity, demonstrating more complexity and terroir expression than the Mazoyeres and great sustain on the finish. Superb. - By Neal Martin on December 2019ワインアドヴォケイト:(93-95) ポイントRating (93-95) Release Price NA Drink Date NA Reviewed by William Kelley Issue Date 14th Feb 2020 Source February 2020 Week 2, The Wine AdvocateThe real highlight of the portfolio is Mortets spectacular 2018 Charmes-Chambertin Grand Cru, a beautiful wine that soars from the glass with notes of cherries, berries, spices, sweet soil tones and peonies. Medium to full-bodied, layered and exquisitely refined, its deep and textural core of fruit entirely conceals its powdery tannins. Long and sapid, this is worth a special effort to seek out.Arnaud Mortet began his harvest on September 3, and he has produced a terrific 2018 vintage at both Domaine Denis Mortet and his new Domaine Arnaud Mortet. Mortet gives his wines a long elevage, so they wont be bottled for months; but the quality he has achieved this year from the top to the bottom of his portfolio was already apparent, and everything reviewed here comes warmly recommended. Clearly, the newly acquired vineyards of Domaine Arnaud Mortet have required some work to bring them up to the familys standards, and Mortet told me that improvements are already visible. Importantly, he was also more rigorous in selecting the best fruit and declassifying any clusters with excessively fat, juicy berries from younger vines or less noble genetic material. The evidence is there in the glass: These 2018s already represent appreciable progress beyond the level achieved in 2017, and the infant 2019s-which I tasted out of curiosity but will not review until they are more fully formed-seem to hold even greater promise.